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About us

We at foodspring are enthusiastic nutritionists, sport experts and athletes. Our common goal: to develop the most natural and innovative foods of our time. No matter whether this is all about sports nutrition, functional foods or superfoods - we take food to a whole new level.

We never compromise. Neither with the quality nor in the production process. That's why every one of our products is its own promise of quality. Best ingredients processed sustainably to maintain the nutritional value.

Super stars for weight loss

October 2016 (GQ) "Proteins from the milk of grazing cows, inulin fibre from the chicory root; L-carnitine and stevia. Have it in the evening instead of a full meal. That’s the way to really lose weight – and lose it fast!"

"Cracking” fruit

October 2016 (Women's Health) "I absolutely LOVE strawberries and pineapple – and you can find both in this little bag! The special vacuum drying process works with temperatures below 70 degrees, which keeps most of the vitamins intact. And they aren’t soggy – they are super crispy! No artificial additives, preservatives or additives of any kind are used at all – and that’s a real bonus!"

Delicious taste + excellent benefits

July 2016 (InStyle) "The foodspring brand combines these components to create fitness nutrition that reflects the current zeitgeist. On the website of this new start-up, a Body Check is offered, which was developed by experts and allows customers to select a product combination that is perfect for their needs."

Right in the nuts

July 2016 (Grazia) "A little snack from this superfood packet is healthy and gets the grey cells moving too. Philipp Schrempp and Tobias Schüle, co-founders of the new German fitness food label foodspring, left their laboratory in Berlin behind to search for the best ingredients around the world: Their “Nuts & Berries” mix (80 g pack around EUR 5.00) ended up containing pistachio nuts from Iran, Brazil nut kernels from Bolivia and goji berries from China. And all that completely without gene technology or additives – instead, their packs contain a whole lot of organic quality."

Fruit to go

May 2016 (Glamour) "On the go and for the handbag – can’t fit in a whole pineapple? Not a problem. Crunchy Fruits by foodspring offer the full daily portion of fruit everyone should have. 23 strawberries and a full ¼ pineapple in one snack pack! A vacuum drying process ensures that at least 80% of the original vitamin content is maintained."

Organic power

June 2015 (Gala Men) "For years now, I have also been putting great emphasis on healthy nutrition and so, in intensive training phases, I mix myself protein shakes every day. Unfortunately, these are often contaminated by hormones and antibiotics. An excellent alternative is offered by the products of egg [foodspring], such as the first protein powder with a seal of organic quality." , says editor Alexander Nebe. After testing our organic protein powder, he was convinced of its benefits.

Shake it, baby!

June 2015 (GQ) "The creamy shakes, which incidentally contain absolutely no substances from eggs, taste really good - I really like the vanilla edition. But the ground-shaking part is the homepage: Here you first have to click your way through a "Body Check" [...] I like!", says editor Constantin Hermann. He is impressed not only by the shakes but also by our Body Check, a special in-house development.

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