Easy Circuit for Quick Sculpted Abs
Combine body fat burning with midsection moves to torch calories and strengthen your core. The ultimate abs combination.
This easy circuit for quick sculpted abs with make your core burn. This HIIT workout is made for your six-pack.
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is one of the most popular and most effective training methods. Not only does it burn fat; it also challenges your muscles.
Do each of the 5 exercises for 40 seconds. Take a 20-second break before starting the next exercise. You can then rest for up to 90 seconds. Repeat the circuit 4-5 times. Always make sure that your exercise is clean and controlled and keep your body under tension.
Warm up well before you start training! Have fun with our workout.
Front Jumping Jacks
This foodspring video shows you how to do front jumping jacks correctly. Front jumping jacks are also called seal jumping jacks. Start with your arms stretched in front of you at shoulder height. As you jump into the air, spread your feet far apart. Meanwhile, open your arms. As you jump your feet together, bring your arms together in front of you as if you’re going to clap. This is an effective full-body exercise.
Superman Plank
This foodspring video shows you how to do a superman plank correctly. Start in the high plank position, supporting yourself on your toes and your hands – which should be directly under your shoulders. Keep your abs and glutes tensed so that your body forms a straight line. Now lift one arm and the opposite leg without falling. This exercise demands extra stability from your core in order to keep you balanced without falling down sideways. Hold the position for a few seconds, then switch to the other arm and leg.
This foodspring video shows you how to do deadlifts correctly. Deadlifts, like squats, are a classic move from strength training. Even without weights, you can train your legs, calves, glutes and back. Stand upright. Put your fingertips on your temples. Keep your back straight, move your rear end towards the back, and bend your upper body forward. Bend your knees slightly. Now return to a standing position.
Russian Twists
This foodspring video shows you how to do Russian twists correctly. This ab exercise targets your oblique abs. Sit on the floor with your back straight. Your knees should be bent, and your heels lifted off the floor. Now turn your upper body to the left, then to the right. Try to touch the floor on each side of you with your hands as you twist. Keep your back long and straight the whole time.
Butterfly Sit-Ups
This foodspring video shows you how to do butterfly sit-ups correctly. Don’t try this exercise if you have back problems. Lie on your back and straighten your arms above your head. Bend your knees, touch the soles of your feet together and spread your knees towards the floor. Now, pull your whole upper body up to sitting and touch your toes with your fingertips.